April 22nd 2024 Club Notes:


Club notes
Some recent club activities.

The following Club members made the trip to Omagh for the Omagh Half Marathon in recent weeks.

1.19.13 – Peter o Donnell
Barry Mc Eleney 1:28:52
Garrett Doherty 1:28:54
Meryvn 1:33:43

Doireann Ni Riain is such an inspiration. Despite the challenges she faced, she didn’t let storm Kathleen stop her comeback. Completing the Glendalough Challenge distance is a major achievement, especially after her fall from the bike at the Ballyshannon triathlon. Coming in 6th in her age category with a time of 1hr31min is absolutely impressive. 🌟🚴‍♀️💪

There was no word about Storm Kathleen last weekend, with wall to wall sunshine ☀️
Paula Hegartys reports on The Cliffs of Mohar Cycle challenge sounds amazing! 🚴‍♂️ It must have been quite a feat to conquer that 12% corkscrew climb at 100k. 😅 But I’m sure the breathtaking views and the well-organized event made it all worth it. Cycling in the sunshine adds an extra touch of joy to the experience, doesn’t it?

Keep up the great work, my triathlon enthusiast friends! 💪🌞🚲

24/7 Try-aTri and Superprint is been hosted in the Aura this Sunday, thanks in advance to all those volunteering to Marshall. If your about Letterkenny Sunday morning we would love the support.

Reminder to all members that you are only insured to take part in club activities with active club membership. Follow the link to renew / join the club https://www.triathlonireland.com/get-involved/become-a-member/

Club notes will be released weekly. If you wish your sporting endeavours to be included, you need to email or text the club PRO with your photos, times, event details by 5pm each Sunday.

Club Training 

Club training continues weekly and it’s great to see increased numbers at Wednesdays swimming and Saturdays spins. The new payment system for swimming is working well. Club members are reminded to make sure to pay as a guest and that their name is typed in also so we know it’s you ! Payment link gets issued every Wednesday in the clubs what’s app.

Monday 22nd

run session 🏃🏽warm up leaving the Aura main entrance 630 for session on the trytri and super sprint course starting 645pm (Coached)


Recovery run 6 or 8k after Mondays session.


Pool Swimming🏊 Aura 7pm – 8

Two coaches on Dec.


Progression Run 6:30pm🚴 possibly this will be the clubs first TT of the year confirmation after the committee meeting Monday night.

Friday (suggested)

Rest day/Strength & Conditioning or Swimming.

Saturday club cycle🚴two groups

Leaving the aura at 9am, On Friday group leaders will post up course details etc.

Club Policy: you must have front and back lights.

Sundays is the clubs TRYTRI and SUPER SPRINT. as always we need all the help we can get, if you haven’t already volunteered and are free for a few hours let us know ASAP thanks.

long run🏃🏼‍♀️ 12/16km conversational pace.

All of you are welcome

Join Us

We are always welcoming new members and cater for all abilities, from first timers to experienced competitors.

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